
I was leaving the house the other day and while locking the door I decided my house key should be by my Jeep key…

I arrived at the office and decided my building key should be by my Jeep key…

When I got to my office door I again decided that my…

Well you get the picture, or you should. I have alot of “keys” and their position on my keyring is determined by my position in life at any given moment. Where I am at determines which key is important. Observations from my keyring…


1. My Jeep key is most important because it is the vehicle that get’s me to all stations in life. It is central to my existance. What is central to your existance?


2. Position in Life determines position of Keys. Where I am now determines what I need to reach for. What should you be reaching for right now?


3. Keyrings change – So should we! What are some things you can change right now? That one might open new doors for you.


4. Old keys. I have a key on my keyring that I have no idea what it goes to. I should probably remove it! Are there things in your life that are dead weight?


Try This – look through your keyring do you know what every key goes to or does your keyring look like the school janitors?






I just don’t think we polish the edges enough…  

We focus on the middle, like it’s the most important part. I spend a lot of my time in the middle adjusting, cleaning, tweaking. I do research on the best ways to develop the middle. I pay good money to better the middle. I don’t spend enough time on the edges.


My thoughts about the edges…


People see the edges first~

Whether it’s your car your home or your church people see the edges first. Why don’t we polish what they see first. I know it’s an old adage, but you never get a second chance…

The edges are attacked first~

When the enemy attacks, his shots from afar start at the edges. If you are hunkered down in the middle with no outward vision your edges are tattered before you even know it. Roaming the edges gives you the advantage of protecting the whole.

People hang out on the edges~

Only the most committed individuals hang out in the inner circle. In most cases the majority of your people hang on the edges. If you spend more time polishing the edges, you will spend more time with your people.